Introducing the EUMigraTool (EMT)
The EMT is a solution-oriented tool for civil society and local authorities with two main functions:
(I) Predicting arrivals of asylum seekers
(II) Detecting attitudes and potential tensions related to migration and asylum

The backend of EMT comprises two complementary approaches to:
The EMT detects and identifies needs among migrants, including refugees, prior to their arrival in Europe helping end-users predict the number, gender and age range of asylum seekers/non-recognised refugees entering several countries of the EU, as well as showing real-time information regarding the camps, some major cities and the conflict zones in non-EU countries.
EMT is able to account for entry quote when forecasting migratory flows, having a real number of migrants, including refugees, arriving to a particular country and region, helping NGOs understand the human effort and material resources that need to be allocated in that particular territory before the arrival.
Would you like to find out more about ITFLOWS?
Check out this short video of how the project will help in managing migration flows to the EU!